Dishant Gupta's Photo

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Wants to Meet Up

  • 60% response rate
  • Last login 39 minutes ago

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  • 2 references 2 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, German, Hindi
  • 31, Male
  • Member since 2014
  • Operations Manager
  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I am an entertaining guy. Willing to host/meet anyone. I am lucky enough that my job allows me to travel. I love summer and the sun, lying on the beach. If possible, I would like to host some interesting people. I can help you explore the entire Delhi. I am an avid traveller, vlogger and a yoga teacher, currently based in Bremen, Germany. My travels have taken me all around India and beyond with Airbnb serving as a great resource for finding accommodations and local hosts in cities I visit. As a guest I am very clean and respectful of the homes I inhabit and the residents who live there. I am up for grabbing dinner and and hanging out with hosts, or leaving them to their privacy if they please. If you would like to know more, shoot me a message! I can't wait to meet you.

Follow me on Instagram: @inspired_dishant

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I love travelling and I love meeting people from all over the world. So, I thought to myself why not Couchsurfing?


I’m a travel professional studying tourism in Bremen, Germany. I also run a YouTube channel where I share my travel experiences and tips. Additionally, I’m a yoga teacher and enjoy practicing and teaching yoga wherever I go.

I love meeting new people from around the world, learning about different cultures, and sharing stories. I’m excited to connect with others through Couchsurfing, share travel experiences, and maybe even do some yoga together. Let’s make some great memories!

  • backpacking
  • adventure
  • couchsurfing
  • vlogging
  • travelling around the world

Music, Movies, and Books

Favourite Music: Bollywood Pop
Favourite Movie: Rocky Balboa
Favourite Book: You Can Win

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I was teaching a spontaneous yoga class in a Bremen park. It started with just me and a friend, but as we went through our poses, curious passersby joined in. Before I knew it, I was leading a mismatched group of locals and tourists, some in jeans and others in business suits, all trying their best to master Downward Dog. We laughed a lot and it turned into a fun, impromptu community event. It was a perfect example of how yoga can bring people together, no matter where you are or what you're wearing!

Teach, Learn, Share

Teach: As a certified yoga teacher, I can guide you through yoga sessions, helping you relax and find your balance. I can also share insights about travel planning, especially for those interested in sustainable tourism and exploring off-the-beaten-path destinations. Additionally, I can offer tips and tricks for starting and growing a YouTube channel, based on my own experiences as a content creator.

Learn: I'm always eager to learn about different cultures, languages, and local traditions. Whether it's trying a new recipe, learning a traditional dance, or understanding more about your way of life, I'm all in! I'd love to improve my language skills, especially in German, and learn any unique skills or hobbies you might have.

Share: I can share stories and experiences from my travels around the world, from funny mishaps to unforgettable adventures. I also love cooking and would be happy to prepare a meal from my home country or a favorite dish I've picked up on my travels. And of course, we can share a yoga session or two, bringing a bit of mindfulness and relaxation to our day.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I enjoy chatting about my travels and hearing about yours. Let's have a relaxed conversation over tea or while exploring the neighborhood. I'm a yoga teacher and can lead us through some easy yoga poses to help us unwind and feel good. I like cooking and would love to make us a meal using local ingredients. We can try a dish from my home country or something new I've learned. I'm happy to share my travel tips and tricks. I make videos on YouTube and can tell you all about it if you're curious. Whether you want to start your own channel or just want to know what goes into making a travel vlog, I'm here to share.

Let's hang out and enjoy each other's company, learning and having fun along the way!

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Nepal, Thailand, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, India

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